Sarah Monk is a Chartered Psychologist, Positive Psychology (PP) Practitioner (MAPP), Registered Coaching Psychologist, ACT Therapist, and Mindfulness and Meditation teacher. She has a background and qualifications in Clinical Psychology and works privately with adults in a coaching or therapeutic capacity to improve wellbeing.
Sarah’s Clinical Psychology career in the NHS was interrupted 20 years ago when she developed ME/CFS. PP has been an important part of her recovery journey and learning to live well with an ongoing illness.
Sarah is also an Associate Lecturer on the Buckinghamshire New University MAPP and PP Coaching courses and Senior Membership Officer for the PP Guild. Her areas of interest include self-compassion, mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and helping people with long term health conditions, disabilities and other marginalised groups to thrive.
Sarah endeavours to use her strengths of love, kindness perspective and fairness to enact her values of compassion, wisdom and authenticity. This in work in progress!
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