Syd Lewis
Syd is an accredited Counsellor, CBT Therapist, Applied Positive Psychology Practioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Advanced Addiction Professional and Auricular Practitioner. He works for one of the…
Somatics: refers to a focus on the body. In this context we are referring to the relationship between mind and body in facilitating well-being and the integration of PP with movement based approaches such as fitness, personal training, yoga, dance, martial arts or bodywork. Practitioners in this area are qualified in both appropriate physical training and PP.
Syd is an accredited Counsellor, CBT Therapist, Applied Positive Psychology Practioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Advanced Addiction Professional and Auricular Practitioner. He works for one of the…
Hello, My name is Steph and it’s so great to be on this forum alongside other fantastic practitioners. I am a Positive Psychology Practitioner (iMAPP…