Emma Willmer
I’m Emma, a Compassionate Coach and Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner dedicated to empowering neurodivergent women to thrive without burning out. I specialise in compassionate productivity,…
Meaning and purpose: Meaning is about how we make sense of the world and purpose is how we put this into practice to guide our behaviours and aspirations.
I’m Emma, a Compassionate Coach and Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner dedicated to empowering neurodivergent women to thrive without burning out. I specialise in compassionate productivity,…
Syd is an accredited Counsellor, CBT Therapist, Applied Positive Psychology Practioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Advanced Addiction Professional and Auricular Practitioner. He works for one of the…
Nikki is a Positive Psychology Practitioner; Occupational, Positive and Coaching Psychology Lecturer; L&D professional; Trainer; Coach and Researcher. Nikki holds an MSc in Psychology, an…
Hello, My name is Steph and it’s so great to be on this forum alongside other fantastic practitioners. I am a Positive Psychology Practitioner (iMAPP…
George Kokolas has been working as the Academic Director and Teacher Trainer for Express Publishing for the last 22 years. He is a certified LEVEL…
Kay is a Positive Psychology (PP) Practitioner and L&D Professional. With over 25 years’ experience of working in large multi-national companies, Kay has had the…
Danielle is a qualified master and practitioner of Positive Psychology. Additionally, she is a certified coach, trainer delivering webinars and workshops and author of Confidence through…
I started my working life as a translator, having studied Modern Languages at University, but then spent many years working in social housing, becoming an…
As an MSc. graduate Positive Psychology Practitioner, Qualified Teacher and Trainer, I translate knowledge, skills and experience into an evidence-based and person-centred practice – coproducing…
Jane is a Positive Psychology coach and trainer. She works one-to-one with coaching clients, and also delivers workshops and training. Jane also delivers Safeguarding training…